For the cooking lover and beginning cooking artist. These products form the basis for beautifully decorated plates. Not much is needed - and still a beautiful presentation thanks to the basics of Plate-it.

The two garnish bottles in Plate-it's set are not only ideal for using the right dosage of batter, sauces, oils or dressings, but are also the perfect tool for decorating your plates. Tufts, circles, lines - anything is possible. The bottles each have their own mouth, making one perfect for coarse, and the other for subtle work.
1. Fill the garnish bottle with a sauce, oil or dressing
2. Garnish the plate with a shape of your choice
TIP: Use Plate-it's brushes, tweezers, or pusher to continue working the lines and shapes.

Whether you want to varnish a dish, grease a baking pan or spread a drop of puree or sauce to decorate a plate: you can do it all with the Plate-it brushes.
- with rubber bristles: ideal for the coarser work, such as for lacquering and greasing dishes.
- with nylon bristles: for everything that requires a finer finish, such as plating a plate.
1. Pour a drop of puree or sauce onto the plate and wipe it out with the nylon brush in the desired shape, possibly in conjunction with using the Plate-it turntable.

Plate-it's round garnishing rings are perfect for sticking out cake or making ingredients circular on your plate. By using the pusher, the filling is also easily pushed back out of the mold.
1. Fill a garnishings ring with, for example, steak tartare, risotto or a thicker puree, and press with the pusher.
2. Carefully lift the ring.
TIP: Pour a small drop of sauce on the plate and stamp in it with the pusher, so that it creates a nice outline for an extra beautifully decorated plate.

Thanks to the fine mesh of the decoration sieve, it is suitable for use in the kitchen in many ways. Whether you want to decorate your plates in a special way or want to decorate freshly baked cakes: with the decoration sieve from Plate-it you will finish your dishes beautifully.
1. Fill the decoration sieve with powdered ingredients such as powdered sugar, cocoa, dried fruit or spices.
2. Tap the side of your finger gently against the edge of the sieve and move your hand back and forth.
TIP: Use Plate-it's silicone molds to form figures on your plate or dish.

Plate-it's offset spatulas are a great help in the kitchen. With the palette knives (in two sizes) you can apply fillings, glaze cakes or spread sauces decoratively in a professional manner. The spatulas are also great for dressing (small) ingredients on your plate. The wide spatula is handy for somewhat larger ingredients and the palette knive is just right for smaller work.
1. Pour a drop of sauce onto the plate and turn it, using the turntable if necessary, so that you wipe out the drop with the spatula.
2. Slide the elongated spatula under the ingredients you want to place on the plate, and place it on the plate with care.

With the scrapers from Plate-it, you not only create an impressive made-up plate in no time, but also glaze and decorate cakes easily.
1. Place a toot of puree or sauce on the plate and spread this out with the scraper in your desired pattern.
TIP: use the Plate-it kitchen tweezers to carefully place the rest of the dish on the plate.